Thursday, February 11, 2010

How I miss those old school days

High school drama; the days that we thought were the end of the world - the end to our lives. Little did we know they are actually the best memories that our lives will ever encounter. I reminisce all those days of gossip and silly fights that you try to be so mature about but then it turns out everyone is being childish in the first place about it.

First drafted back in February (published September 1st, 2010); who knows what was going through my head when I wrote it. Possibly school becoming super stressful and I decided I needed to express a little bit, nevertheless I got over it.
Can't believe that within just a few years so much can happen, it's that never-ending constant: change.
I want to feel like it's the best day of my life everyday. I think we all want to feel like that. I love surprises; they make life so much more interesting. People who don't like it are perhaps just scared because they can't predict it. Never be scared of what you don't know, just think of what the worst possibility can be.

-toodles, Citrine ;]

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